My Double Lung Transplant

Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy birthday(s)!!!

Today is a monumental day.

Number 1: It is Alice`s 2 year post-tx birthday today! Happy lungiversary, dahling!

Number 2: It is Cassie`s 1 year post-tx birthday today as well! Happy lungiversary, dahling! Use it wisely!

Number 3: It is my dear friend Karyn`s would be 24th birthday. Instead of celebrating here with us, she is up in heaven instead, probably having a rockstar birthday regardless of the fact that she is not here anymore. Happy birthday, K, we miss you tons!
I`ve never posted a pic of her before but today it feels like it would be ok to do so. So yeah, here`s my dear friend Karyn, the beautiful creature that she is and was. You are missed, but you are felt every single day, in every single way.

Two days before she had the aneurysm/accident, we were talking on MSN and i mentioned her birthday coming up. I will never forget how happy she was that I remembered. I remember her saying, "It's the 22nd...but it's cool that you remembered:)"
GAH woman! What i wouldn't give to see your face again and just talk to you and hug you and squeeze you and/or throw your books on the ground like old times...but, to quote the old Rose from Titanic, now, "you are only in my memory". Again, you are missed, but you are celebrated.
I am visiting you today with Jess.
Hope this blog finds everyone well and celebrating LIFE!:)

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