My Double Lung Transplant

Monday, November 10, 2008

Freeze Burn

Liquid oxygen is stored at -400*C. If it touches your bare skin, it burns it. It doesn't burn the way a hot burn does, when it burns you, it stings and turns white. Needless to say, I was slightly shocked when my finger touched the nozel on my big tank in the garage this aft when i went to fill my portable, and I felt a sizzling sensation in my digit. I took it away to see a white blister like thing, and resisted the urge to stop and cry like a child on the spot. In all honestly, it hurt, but not too horribly. Still, it was enough to make me post about it.

90's party was a blast. Everyone loved my denim pant suit and crimped hair. It took us 2 hours to crimp our hair, and I can honestly say that i sustained a hand injury like no other whilst in the hair crimping process. It hurts to grip things, but it could be worse. I felt utterly terrible all weekend, but for that small span of time at Chantel's party, i managed to shove it from my mind and enjoy myself.

Here's a pic of my get up - a denin pant suit. The pose is inspired by Sears circa early 1990's:
You'll notice that my face is flushed. Full credit can be given to Jenna and her generous dollup of rum to my coke. She put so much in it that it was practically glowing and alas, my face was set on fire.
There are more pics i could put up but i'm too lazy to. There'a lot that i want to talk about but I am to lazy to, as well.
Since Oct. 22, I have lost 2 tx friend. One pre (tonight, at 6pm) and one post, on the 22nd of Oct. Shocking is the best word to describe it. I hate the way the world works when suddenly the death card is shoved in your face. You never think your friends are gonna die - no matter how close you are to them. The fact that they were both young sucks even more. I hate that it challenges everything I know and feel. I can only hope and pray for them that they are both in a better place where this shit doesn't happen.
Crystal -I will always remember the story of when you got The Call, and how your dad made you leave your Care Bear in the car for your assessment. For some reason, both of those have always stayed in my mind and I wonder if when i get the call, will they tell me to hold tight, call my family, and call me back??? I will never forget that you had an inkling that the call was coming either....and I will never forget the shock i felt when i found out that you had passed away. It's unbeleivable and I'm sad to say I never got to tell you how much you have helped me through this transplant business. You ARE missed.
Kyle - Oh Kyle, I don't even know what to say...this is such a shock and a loss. I've been praying for you everyday since you got listed, and I've been praying harder since the day you went into the hosp. You words of encouragment to me never went unfelt, as I hope my words of encouragement to you never went unfelt as well. We so looked forward to finally being able to meet in person after we both had our transplants at TGH, and I'm so sad to know that now that won't happen. I can only pray for you and your family now, that you're in a truely better place where everything is better. You ARE missed.


Jennifer said...

You look like Darryl Hannah in that photo. :)

Meghann "Former Queen of the O2 People" said...

i agree, you do look like daryl hannah in the photo. especially how she looked in Splash!

Ahh so you found out the joys of liquid o2 burns. FUN FUN FUN!

I hope we both get our lungs at the same time so we can commiserate together over how much pain we're in and who's face is the biggest from the prednizone, etc etc.

In the words of Joe Dirt, "life's a garden, dig it!" and "Keep on keepin' on!" I know i will! :)

Sincerely, your American Sister in Bronchiectasis Hell