My Double Lung Transplant

Friday, December 5, 2008

And the sun rises over Southwestern Ontario...

This is the pic that I took outside my bedroom window this morning, just as I left for rehab. The sun was rising at 7:45am and I couldn't help but gawk at the sunrise and marvel at the pretty colour that it gave off. It was simply too amazing to not get a picture of, and alas, here it is!
If you look closely, you will see the snowcovered roofs, but don't be fooled by the warm looking sun, it was a frigid -6 this morning with a windchill of -15, enough to make anyone contemplate stepping outside at such an ungodly hour. When it's this cold, the sun heats nothing up!
I didn't want to go to rehab today, but I soldiered it up and went. I spent the day reading, sleeping, being generally lazy, and also eating way too much Christmas food. I think i'm rotting on the inside I've eaten so much crap. No lie. I think my digestive system has gone on strike and my guts on a major backlodge b/c i've got this perminant bulge at the front that forms into 2 rolls when I sit down. I'm used to one roll, that can generally be concealed in the folds of my sweatpants, but today I just felt like a regular fatty and I am going to be honest, I don't like it. Even wearing sweatpants I just feel I really need to stop eating Turtles, Gingerbread people, and pizza, 'and all that jazz'.
I may likely be the only person on the face of the earth to rot from the inside out over the Christmas holiday. Just maybe!
Other than that I'm here. Not doing much. Feeling pretty useless, and eating my feelings b/c it makes me feel productive.
That's about it. I just finished wrapping my sister's Christmas present, and I'm pretty sure it looks like something that was sent and damaged in the mail.


BreathinSteven said...

Yo Chick...

You're not useless... Even though I do remember feeling that way myself a good while back... Look -- you've wrapped a Christmas present... And even if the purpose is simply to serve as an example to others of how not to wrap a Christmas present -- it just proves you're not useless!!!

As for the "permanent" bulge that forms into 2 rolls: It ain't "permanent" and right now it might even be a little insurance -- a little weight you need to get you through this... When you get your new blowers, you'll have that gone. You have a strong self-image and when you have the breath, and the ability, you'll get into better shape than you have ever been...

You are a precious and beautiful person and there are a LOT of people out in this world who deeply care about you... You make us smile, often enough you leave us in stitches laughing... And we all know you're struggling with things even beyond breathing, and many of us admire you for keeping up the struggle -- for fighting the good fight...

Are you eating the Turtles on the pizza, because sadly, that sounds good to me... Laura always wonders whether I got Kari's uteris along with her lungs... Chicks -- whut-evah...

You hang in there, buckaroo... I'm thinking about you...



Amy said...

OMG I feel so fat too!!!!!!!! I still only have one roll but it s doozy!!!!!!!!

That is a beautiful sunrise and WTF at 7:45am?!?!?! Holy Shit woman! You need to move down here where the sun rises at 6am :) and sets at 4:30pm :)
