My Double Lung Transplant

Friday, February 6, 2009

The Horrible Nebulizer

My nebulizer is an utter peice of shit. I want to drop it, kick it, drown it, smash it, sit on it, run it over, and break it.

I don't know if it's officially died or what, but if it isn't my neb cups are that are acting like douchebags, then it's the compressor itself, b/c it takes 10 minutes to turn my Tobi into vapour and after inhaling it for 45 minutes, the meds havent gone down one bit.

I found an old neb cup/mask thingy under the sink in a plastic bag and tried that out, to see if it was the tubing, but no, good old, expensive douchebag compressor appears to be the culprit. And regardless of who's ruining what, i'm using the old neb tubing and cups and i'm pretty sure that i never washed them the last time i used them, b/c they taste like Hypertonic Saline.

Fuck my life.

This is very frustrating b/c i didn't get any Tobi yesterday, and if this shit keeps up tonight i am going to abandon tonights thing and have to trek out and get a new compressor most likely. It sucks, b/c compressors aren't cheap either.


I have other stuff to blog about but i'm just annoyed with my stupid compressor. GAH!


BreathinSteven said...

Hey you...

You are petite and beautiful... Yes - you can drop it, kick it, drown it, smash it, run it over, and break it... But I'm afraid that you sitting on it, just ain't gonna do a whole helluva lot...

I'm sorry it's frustrating. I wish I could be there to lend a hand... I wish it were easier and I hope you're through all this and on the other side soon... There are new frustrations on the other side - but they're nowhere near the ones you are experiencing now. (And, you have more energy to deal with them...)

You're in my thoughts...

Love, Steve

Anonymous said...

I am not sure if you can get these in Canada yet but when I moved to the UK they gave me an e-flow nebuliser which is amazing, nebulises tobra in like 2 minutes its insane as I never did my tobra before cause it took too long...


Megan said...

I have an e-flow nebuliser too, so if you can get a hold of one, go for it. BTW I'm in the UK too, so if you can't find one where you are, it would probably cost more to get one from UK. Plus the fact that they're small probably means they cost a bunch. Xx

Amy said...

When you steal the stethoscope steal a nebulizer too ;)

It's Her said...

Annual service due maybe? ;-)